The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. October 24th is wear pink for breast cancer awareness and Middle school volleyball plays at Contenea-Savana. On October 25th Jostens will meet with Juniors for class ring orders and seniors for graduation materials orders. Report Card Pickup will be the night of October 27th from 3:00 - 6:00pm). JSHS will be hosting two parent workshops that night as well. On November 10th graders will take the PreACT. October 31st is Varsity Girls and Boys basketball tryouts. November 11th is National Veterans' Day, and a student and staff holiday. Middle school basketball tryouts will be November 17th.  If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care

Parents and Families,
This is a friendly reminder that all schools will dismiss early on Thursday, October 20, at 11:30. There is no school for students on Friday, October 21, as it is a required teacher workday.

Jones Senior High School day events during free FAFSA application week from Oct 17th to Oct 19th from 10am to 1pm.

The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. October 17th is FAFSA Might for Seniors. October 19th is wear orange day for bullying awareness month. October 20th is an early release day and Friday October 21st is a teacher workday. That date is also the end of the grading period, so students have a couple of weeks to increase their grades before then. Friday night we have Homecoming and the Tailgate extravaganza. October 24th is wear pink for breast cancer awareness. Report Card Pickup will be the night of October 27th from 3:00 - 6:00pm). JSHS will be hosting two parent workshops that night as well. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care

JSHS FAFSA Night on Monday October 17th 5:30-7:00pm in the JSHS Cafeteria

The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. October 10th High School Tennis will play home and have Senior Night. On October 11th Fall pictures will be taken, also High School Volleyball will play home and have Senior Night. October 12th High School Tennis will play at Lejuene and Middle School Volleyball will play home. On Thursday, Middle School Football plays home and High School Volleyball plays at Southside. October 14th High School Football plays at Northside. October 17th is FAFSA Might for Seniors. October 20th is an early release day and Friday October 21st is a teacher workday. That date is also the end of the grading period, so students have a couple of weeks to increase their grades before then. Report Card Pickup will be the night of October 27th from 3:00 - 6:00pm). JSHS will be hosting two parent workshops that night as well. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care

The LCC Senior Showcase was a great field trip that allowed our students to see the many programs LCC has to offer. Seniors were engaged while learning about the variety of certificate and degree options, as well as how much money they can make in certain jobs. Thank you, LCC, for a wonderful campus tour, lunch, & even some fun games in the courtyard.

The LCC Senior Showcase was a great field trip that allowed our students to see the many programs LCC has to offer. Seniors were engaged while learning about the variety of certificate and degree options, as well as how much money they can make in certain jobs. Thank you, LCC, for a wonderful campus tour, lunch, & even some fun games in the courtyard.

The LCC Senior Showcase was a great field trip that allowed our students to see the many programs LCC has to offer. Seniors were engaged while learning about the variety of certificate and degree options, as well as how much money they can make in certain jobs. Thank you, LCC, for a wonderful campus tour, lunch, & even some fun games in the courtyard.

On Tuesday we were able to host 50 college admissions representatives for the CACRAO College Fair. Students were encouraged to ask questions about the admissions process, the next steps they should take, and learn what colleges are looking for in prospective students. The event was open to Juniors & Seniors, and it was a delight to see both groups of students engaged and excited about their plans after high school.

The following message contains bus information for Jones Senior High School students and parents. All of our bus drivers are back, so we will hopefully no longer have any double routes. The goal is for all buses to be on campus at 7:30. So morning buses may arrive 10 to 20 minutes earlier than last week. Reminder that middle school students are supposed to be in homeroom by 7:40 and high school students should be in first period by 7:50. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care

Based on an 11:30 update from the National Weather Service, there are additional concerns related to flooding and potential tornados. After reviewing new information with Emergency Management, Jones County Public Schools will be closed for students and staff on Friday, September 30th.

Based on an 11:30 update from the National Weather Service, there are additional concerns related to flooding and potential tornados. After reviewing that with Emergency Management, it has been decided that Jones County Public Schools will be closed for students and staff on Friday, September 30th. Thank you for your patience and your support of Jones County Public Schools.

Good Morning Trojans,
Please note that we will dismiss at 11:30 on Friday, September 30th. Jones County Public Schools made this decision after consulting with Emergency Management and the National Weather Service and to exercise caution given the weather forecast. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care

The SAT that was scheduled to be held at JSHS on Saturday, October 1 will be postponed due to the possibility of inclement weather this weekend. The new date for the SAT will be Saturday, October 15th.

Due to threat of inclement weather this Friday nigh, Homecoming and Tailgate have been switched to the Pamlico game on 10/21; Spirit Week festivities will continue this week with the exception of the pep rally which will be held the day of the Pamlico game. We will play Lejuene on Thursday night this week at 6:30pm

The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. This week we are celebrating Homecoming, students and staff are invited to dress up each day based on the theme. Monday's theme is Country vs. Country Club, also progress reports will go home. Please review progress reports with students and contact teachers with concerns. High school Tennis plays at Home versus Lejeune and Middle School Volleyball plays at Frink. Tuesday's theme is Tie-Dye, Twin Day and high school Volleyball plays home against Southside. On Wednesday we will have Prayer at the Pole at 8:05. The theme for the day is Holiday Day. High school tennis plas at North Lenoir and Middle school volleyball plays at Woodington. Thursday's theme is Throwback Thursday, middle school football plays at Frink and High School Volleyball plays home against Lejeune. Friday's theme is wear school colors and there will be a pep rally that morning. Homecoming game and tailgate are that evening.If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care

Bus 139 will be a double route this afternoon. Students will be leaving campus about 3:45. If parents to pick up their children prior to that time, please come to the main office to do so. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!

The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. Volleyball is home Tuesday and away at Pamlico on Thursday. Tennis plays at home Wednesday. Friday September 23rd is a student holiday and teacher workday. The football team travels to East Columbus Friday night. Please plan to attend Homecoming and the Alumni Tailgate on September 30th. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!

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