Good afternoon. Bus 136 will have bus 132 students this afternoon, all day Wednesday, and all day Thursday. Bus 144 will do double with bus 142 students this afternoon, all day Wednesday and all day Thursday. Also, bus 131 will have a sud driver this afternoon.
about 2 years ago, Julius Dockery
Good morning, We apologize for this delayed message, but Bus 132 is running late this morning..
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Good morning, We apologize for this delayed message, but Buses 142 and 146 are a running a double route this morning. Bus 136 is picking-up students on these routes.
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Jones County Recreation is now holding Babe Ruth Softball Registration for Girls ages 7-16. And they are also holding T-ball and Baseball registrations for all youth, ages 4-13. Please visit to register.
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Due to impending weather, all after school activities for Wednesday (January 25th, 2023) have been cancelled for Jones County Public Schools.
about 2 years ago, Michael Parker
Due to recent weather reports, all Jones Senior High School after school activities including athletic events, practices and other school related activities have been canceled for today, January 25, 2023.
about 2 years ago, James Parker
The following message contains important information from Jones Senior High School. High School Students that received an “FF” for the Fall semester, must appeal their attendance before January 30th or they will receive an F in corresponding courses. Parents of Middle school students with excessive absences need to schedule a conference or their student will be in danger of failing for the year. ​Middle school basketball team plays away Monday. High school basketball plays home Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week.​Reminder to protect instructional time for all teachers and students, students cannot be checked-out after 2:25 without permission of the principal. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!
about 2 years ago, James Parker
The following message contains important information from Jones Senior High School. High School Students that received an “FF” for the Fall semester, must appeal their attendance before January 30th or they will receive an F in corresponding courses. Parents of Middle school students with excessive absences need to schedule a conference or their student will be in danger of failing for the year. Tuesday there is a Hunters’ Safety team parent interest meeting at 6:00. Thursday there is a middle school home basketball game. Friday high school basketball teams are away. Reminder to protect instructional time for all teachers and students, students cannot be checked-out after 2:25 without permission of the principal. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Varsity Basketball conferences pass available on Save 10.00 (for home games only)
about 2 years ago, Jones County Public Schools
The following message contains important information from Jones Senior High School regarding report cards. Today all present students received their first semester report cards. Attached to the report cards is the updated attendance requirements for JSHS. For high school students receiving an "FF'', there is information for scheduling an appeal conference. For middle school students with excessive absences there is information attached for scheduling an attendance conference. Any high and middle school with excessive absences are in danger of failure for those courses. Reminder, in order to protect instructional time for teachers and students, students cannot be checked-out after 2:25 without permission of the principal. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Recently, the NCHSAA has voted to raise the pay for all officials by 10% per game. This pay increase went into effect on January 1st, 2023. Due to this increase, our conference has voted to raise ticket prices from $7 to $8 a ticket. The conference made this decision, and these new ticket prices will continue throughout the remainder of the 2022-23 sports season. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Michael Parker
The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. WELCOME BACK, TROJANS!​ We​ hope you had a great Christmas Break and a Happy New Year! School reopens for all students January 9th. Students in grades 6​th​-8​th​ should report to their Homeroom Teachers no later than 7:40.​ ​Students in grades 9​th​-12 ​th ​should report to their 1st period where they will receive a printed copy of their 2nd semester schedule.​ Middle school basketball plays Monday and Thursday. High school basketball plays at Leguene Tuesday and home Friday. ​All students requesting CCP courses through LCC should check their student email regarding the new semester. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact Dr. Parker with any concerns regarding schedule changes. You can email him at​ ​Report Cards for 1st semester will go home on Thursday, January 12. If your student requires an attendance conference, or if you would like to appeal the “FF” grade, you may schedule an attendance conference with us by using this link: Conferences will be held January 12th - 27th. ​If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!
about 2 years ago, James Parker
The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. WELCOME BACK, TROJANS!​ We​ hope you had a great Christmas Break and a Happy New Year! School reopens for all students January 9th. Students in grades 6​th​-8​th​ should report to their Homeroom Teachers no later than 7:40.​ ​Students in grades 9​th​-12​th​should report to their 1st period where they will receive a printed copy of their 2nd semester schedule.​ ​All students requesting CCP courses through LCC should check their student email regarding the new semester. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact Dr. Parker with any concerns regarding schedule changes. You can email him at​ ​Report Cards for 1st semester will go home on Thursday, January 12. If your student requires an attendance conference, or if you would like to appeal the “FF” grade, you may schedule an attendance conference with us by using this link: Conferences will be held January 12th - 27th. Please be aware that we are only able to meet with parents or legal guardians. Parents/guardians are welcome to bring support persons. Students are required to attend these meetings. As we move forward and adjust after a few disrupted school years, it has become necessary to clarify our attendance policy. Jones Senior High School will follow Jones County School Board Policies, North Carolina Department of Instruction Policies, as well as North Carolina State and Federal Laws. A summary of these clarifications have been made to help families better support student success and can be found on all of our social media sites as well as the school website. We thank you for your partnership and support of our students.​ ​ If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Tomorrow December 21st, is an early release day and exam makeup for students that need to do so. Only students with Dr. Parker’s permission are exempt from attendance. December 22nd through January 6th are Winter holidays. On behalf of the JSHS Facutly and Staff we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Congratulations to Jones County teachers for receiving approximately $16,000 in Bright Ideas Grants from Jones-Onslow EMC! These grants will help support innovative projects and classroom activities. We appreciate our partnership with Jones-Onslow and thank them for supporting our educators!
about 2 years ago, Michael Parker
Tomorrow Monday December 19th , Biology EOC's as well as High School 3rd period exams will be administered. Tuesday December 20th, High School 4th period exams will be administered. Only students with Dr. Parker’s permission are exempt from exam attendance. Wednesday December 21st is an early release day and exam makeup day.
about 2 years ago, James Parker
Tomorrow Friday December 16th , Math 1 and 3 EOC's as well as High School 2nd period exams will be administered. Only students with Dr. Parker’s permission are exempt from exam attendance.
about 2 years ago, James Parker
On Thursday, English II EOC and High School 1st period exams will be administered. Only students with Dr. Parker’s permission are exempt for exam attendance.
about 2 years ago, James Parker
The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. Tomorrow, Bus 144 will be picking up and dropping off the bus route 142 students morning and afternoon. Bus 142 will pickup and drop off bus route 136 students morning and afternoon. Trenton Elementary School and Jones Senior High School will practice a lockdown drill the week of December 12th-16th, 2022.  A lockdown occurs when a possible threat of danger exists in or near the school. Middle school basketball plays at Rochelle Monday and at home Thursday. High school basketball teams play Friday at Bear Grass. Seniors will continue taking ACT Workkeys this week. 6th-12th grade exams will take place December 15th through the 20th. On Thursday, English II EOC and 1st period exams will be administered. On Friday, Math I & III EOC and 2nd period exams will be administered.All classes will have exams and none will be taken early. Only students with permission from Dr. Parker will be allowed to miss during exam days. An exam schedule will be provided next week. Attendance will be taken on these days. Remember, that missing more than 5 days in semester courses and 10 days in year-long courses may result in failure regardless of a passing grade. December 21st is an early release day. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!
about 2 years ago, James Parker
The following message contains events at Jones Senior High School for the next few weeks as well as other information. Middle school basketball plays at Frink Monday and at Woodington Wednesday. High school basketball teams play Friday at home against Dixon. 6th-12th grade exams will take place December 15th through the 20th. All classes will have exams and none will be taken early. An exam schedule will be provided next week. Attendance will be taken on these days. Remember, that missing more than 5 days in semester courses and 10 days in year-long courses may result in failure regardless of a passing grade. December 21st is an early release day. If you have any questions or concerns about this message please call (252) 448-2451. Take care!
about 2 years ago, James Parker